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How Dance Benefits The Community

How Dance Benefits The Community

A good sense of community is always important, and that doesn’t change for the world of dance.  In today’s blog, we here at Motion Control will go through how dance can benefit a community. To find out more or to book, call Motion Control Dance in Barry on 077255 038 778. 

What Is Community and Why Is It Important? 

You may be aware of the word community but have not really thought about the importance of being a part of one. It is so easy in this day and age to lose sight of the importance of community and how it can help develop and bring people together as one. So, what does a community have to do with dance? Well, dance schools play a huge importance in the community and can help urban and rural communities, playing their part in creating a local buzz, employment and a sense of togetherness. It has been proven that being a part of a team can build people’s confidence and also motivation, so why not bring that to a community within dance! It’s not just personal growth that this can help, it can also benefit positivity locally and can bring social and cultural improvements in the community and surrounding areas for children, teenagers and adults. 

A community can also be shown by people having a shared factor and this could be, faith, charity, life stages or family. It can also mean having a similar or somewhat same interest, passion or profession. Another great way to give back to your community is to get involved with charities, you will be raising money for a great cause whilst being a part of a great community. 

Dance Helping The Community

Local businesses will often have schemes in place or volunteer opportunities for any walk of life. Here at Motion Control, that’s exactly what we do, we have an amazing volunteer program that offers many different opportunities that we are very proud of. Our programs help young people have new experiences while gaining knowledge and empowerment, especially for those who want to work in the dance community. 

Volunteering Through Dance 

Volunteering shows discipline and hard work from a young age but in a fun setting. This will often give young people a sense of motivation by rewarding their accomplishments no matter how big or how small. Young people will be encouraged to find communal activities after school which can benefit them going forward in their life so why not seek out volunteering in your local community first as an option. First of all, you are gaining life lessons and maturity and the lessons you take away from this will be reflected on a CV. This shows future employers that young people have a natural drive and are willing to put the effort in. 

Volunteering through dance enables people to expand their social and cultural interaction through dance whilst also providing an overall sense of community feeling of well-being and togetherness, and if the past few years have shown anything, being together is always better. Children that take part in community activities such as dance are often fuelled to challenge their strengths and turn them into beneficial objectives. This is a great opportunity for young people to come together and build friendships.

Motion Control Dance Community

The moment you step through our doors you will feel cherished and a great sense of our community dance family. Our dancers at Motion Control will flourish with the combination of our amazing teachers who are passionate about watching you or your child blossom. We create a positive and enjoyable dance experience for everyone. We focus on developing confidence and self-esteem to overcome and break down barriers. Resulting in the achievement of new skills that will broaden horizons.

For over 20 years Motion Control has showcased the achievements and joy of our wonderful students. We are always delivering fantastic dance projects that benefit the wider community. By providing progression through dance, pupils are able to develop a healthy outlook on life as well as a healthy body to promote a healthy lifestyle. It is never too late to enjoy these benefits, and the dancing community is a healthy community. The social aspects of dance can open the opportunity to form great friendships for those of all ages. 


Book a Class Today  

For more information or to book a class with Motion Control Dance, don’t hesitate to contact us. Call us on 07725 038 778. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry through our contact form. 

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