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Motion Control Dance uplifts patients in Barry Hospital with movement

By April 5, 2023May 5th, 2023No Comments

Over the past months, Motion Control Dance has been visiting the Sam Davies Ward and St Baruc Ward in Barry Hospital as part of a project with A&B Cymru’s CultureStep.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Motion Control Dance received an investment from A&B Cymru’s CultureStep to strengthen and develop their creative partnership last year. Working in Barry Hospital, Motion Control Dance visited the Sam Davies Ward and St Baruc ward from October 2022 till March 2023 to uplift patients’ moods through movement and music.  They worked with an array of props and themes each week to connect patients as they shared stories/memories evoked from the lesson plans.

The project aimed to increase mobility and a sense of community within the ward, allowing the community dance charity to extend its reach in the community and engage with more people, enriching lives across the Vale through movement.  The sessions engaged patients in the day room were amazing as they were laughing and singing and interacting with each other showing a sense of community as they met new people who were in different wards.

Motion Control Dance received some amazing feedback from their work in the hospitals including the following testimonials from patients and staff members:

“I thought the session was great that I sat in on as you got them moving body parts without any hesitation.  I loved the social aspect of it as it was the first time I heard lots of laughter from the patients since being on the ward” 

Testimonial from one of the Student nurses

“Wow look how you are getting this 96yr old lady moving! I am really enjoying this as I used to love to dance” 

Testimonial from a Patient

“I found the sessions exhilarating and very enjoyable. You have lifted my spirits – thank you”

– Testimonial from a Patient

This statement made the tutor’s day as she knew that it had brought the group joy on a very miserable and grey morning.

The project was very successful and we are actively looking for further funding to continue the good work.